youthleadarts Launches in LIttle Harbour, Nova Scotia

youthLEADarts is expanding into more communities in rural Nova Scotia. This past Thursday night was the first night of youthLEADarts programs in Little Harbour, a picturesque and friendly seaside town in Pictou County with a strong need for youth programming. When we launched our program, it filled up immediately and we now have a waiting list. We meet the third Thursday of each month. 

Our first night in Little Harbour was enjoyed by everyone. We began with some engaging and dramatic ice breaker games to help us get acquainted with each other. The focus was on exploring the L in LEAD which stands for Listen. 

With this in mind participants were challenged to take risks, trust in each other and demonstrate teamwork to achieve their tasks. They were treated with yummy Halloween themed goodies and created unique masks and haunted houses with recycled material. 

One of the youths, at the end of the session said, “Today I moved out of my comfort zone.”

“Well how do you feel?” Shelley asked.

“I feel brave,” the youth responded.

The next youthLEADarts evening takes place November 21st.