Upcoming Programs and Workshops:

Kicking Off the 2024 Fundraising Campaign

2022 allowed us back into the classroom in a hybrid “in person” and “on-line” model. This permitted the best of both worlds- present and tangible live mentors to react in the moment to the needs of the students; and on-line contributors and experts from across Canada. This Hybrid Model gave the students the highest quality experience possible.

Other classrooms and school boards are taking notice! This year we are aiming to provide programming in 15 school communities across Canada:

  • Britannia Elementary, Vancouver, BC
  • Grandview ¿uuqinak’uuh Elementary, Vancouver, BC
  • Strathcona Elementary, Vancouver, BC x 4
  • Hastings Elementary, Vancouver, BC x 4
  • Haida Gwaii, BC
  • Webeque First Nation, ON
  • Montreal, QC x 2
  • Sipekne’katik First Nation, NS
  • Lismore, NS
HOWEVER, part of youthLEADarts’ mandate is to support students at risk in their classrooms and their communities WITHOUT charging the participants. THEREFORE, we need the support of donors willing to help us continue to expand this incredible programming.

Past Workshops:

LISMORE, Nova Scotia

CHANGE THROUGH ART: Save the Right Whale

Weekend Workshops: Youth Learn to LEAD Through Their Art

Britannia Community School

 Xpey’ School

Britannia Community School
Anti-racism Spoken Word Video Project

LEAD Canada-wide Doodle Challenge and Many Others….