Witnessing History

Dear Friends,

No matter how we feel about the monarchy, today we are witnessing history.

As a young musician and arts education pioneer in 1973, I had the honour to meet MH Queen Elizabeth II.

I was surprised at how tiny she was in stature, but certainly a model of towering duty in leadership. She inspired me to serve underserved children everywhere by creating empowering education programs for them for over 30 years. 

Thank you for your own individual leadership to help accomplish this – always for the children. 

Queen Elizabeth’s long life was filled with tireless service to all people that was evidenced by integrity, kindness, inclusiveness and calm.  

May we all continue to pursue such values and care for those around us.  Here’s to the future in our hands.


Marilyn Field, MSM

Meritorious Service Medal | Caledon Walk of Fame | Queen’s Golden & Diamond Jubilees Medals

Founder, DAREarts, youthLEADarts | Co-Owner, Windrush Estate Winery